Rum Doings Episode 179

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  • Song Name: Rum Doings Episode 179
  • Artist: Nick Mailer, John Walker
  • Album: Rum Doings
  • Year: 2015

In our 179th ever Rum Doings, our topic is, isn't it about time we did something about that pesky Boko Haram?

We begin with cat leg news, then move on to some discussion about the peculiarities of the Sun's page 3. (Recorded yesterday, before boobies reappeared this morning.) We mention the popularity of John's willy, and Nick gives his argument in favour of objectification, before we drift our way to discussing the conclusion of Cabin Pressure.

John explains what he likes least about his 12 week old son, we ponder holidays to Yorkshire, and John's teenage climbing habits, and then we conclude with information about Emanuel Swedenborg Day.